So our last practice was a pun intended! We began putting principles of Judo together in the event that you are being attacked.
For example. If somebody goes to punch you (from above or straight on), you simply do a block with your left hand, while your right hand comes under their right armpit, flex your right hand, grab their punching arm with your left arm, and do you Ippon Seoinage, throwing them to the ground.
If they are punching you from an outside to in motion (e.g. right arm is going counterclockwise to the ground), you again block, but this time you immediately shove your chest against their chest, throwing your right arm over their left shoulder so that their neck is on your shoulder (like you are hugging them), and keep moving forward, throwing them to the ground.
If somebody catches you unaware and throws you to the ground, you immediately block your face your hands, and kick them (above the knees) with all your might, yelling "STOP".
We were practicing in full speed, and it was astounding how well this worked. It certainly begins to give you confidence if you are ever confronted in an aggressive manner.
These simple techniques are often the most effective in a real situation - they only rely on gross motor skills and not fine ones (which disappear during an adrenaline surge). Thanks for sharing.